The total payment will beshown in the order details and to appear before you press "submit"for confirmation, this amount will be displayed again in the e-mail in theorder confirmation issued by us.
We accept the following payment methods:. Visa、Mastercard (萬事達卡)、 Google pay、 支付寶、 Pay Me、 Apple pay
At the checkoutprocess, you will need to fill out all the information relating to theprovision of compulsory payments. Please note that in accordance with ourprivacy policy, we will collect and store your information in an encrypted datasecure payment system.
The details will be fully encrypted and only used toprocess the confirmation of your transaction. All credit card payments alsoneed to have a credit card issuer for authorization before use, and your creditcard will be debited to pay fees in order to complete preparations before.
VISA Master Card
Alipay HK
Google Pay